PDF SDK by Mozon Soft that will make your application capable of generating PDF files in 15 minutes


Generate PDF Reports from your application in 15 minutes

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This tutorial will show you how to integrate Mozon MzPDF toolkit in your own application in less than 15 minutes. After that you will have your application PDF-enabled.


This Delphi tutorial will explain how to generate a PDF file with 5X5 cm rectangle using “Map Mode” technique.




1. Open Delphi 7.


2. Create new project.


3. Add in USES section MzDllUnit and ShellApi.


4. Add a button on the form and double-click it. This will take you to the TForm1.Button1Click() function.


5. Add the following variables to the VAR section for this function


pdfFilename :string;

hPdfDocument : MZDOCHANDLE;


rcPage : TRect;

nRet : integer;

rectText : string;

TextFont : TFont;

nSaveDC : integer;


6. After Begin statement add the following


    // Choose the file name

    pdfFilename :='c:\generatedPDFFile.pdf';


    // Now create the font you want to use

    TextFont := TFont.Create();

    TextFont.Size := Round(0.5*100 ); //0.5 font height

    TextFont.Style := [fsBold,fsItalic];

    TextFont.Name := 'Times New Roman';


    // Start the document

    if ( MZ_ERR_SUCCESS <> mzCreateDocument(@hPdfDocument) ) then


        MessageBox(Handle,'Error','Could not create the document',MB_OK);




    // Now start the page

    PageInfo.uStructSize := sizeof(PageInfo);


    if (MZ_ERR_SUCCESS = mzStartPage(hPdfDocument,MZ_LAST_PAGE,8.5,11,@PageInfo,0)) then



        // Now select font

        nSaveDC := SaveDC(PageInfo.hPageDC);



        // Now Set the Map Mode each logical unit equal 1 CM


        // Set map mode to be 0.01 CM



        // Map 0.01, for example if you need map 0.1 then change 100 to 10


        SetViewportExtEx(PageInfo.hPageDC,Round(PageInfo.xDPI / 2.5),Round(PageInfo.yDPI / 2.5),nil);


        // Draw 1 CM rectangle, start on 5 CM

        rcPage.Left := 1 * 100; // Since map 0.01, start 1 CM from left

        rcPage.Top := 1 * 100; // Start after 1 CM from top

        rcPage.Right := rcPage.left + 5 * 100; // 5 CM width

        rcPage.Bottom := rcPage.top + 5 * 100; // 5 CM height


        Rectangle( PageInfo.hPageDC, rcPage.left, rcPage.top, rcPage.right, rcPage.bottom );


        // Now draw text inside rectangle.

        rectText := Char(13) + 'This demo displays 5 Centimeters rectangle' + Char(13) + 'By Mozon Soft';

        DrawText(PageInfo.hPageDC, PChar(rectText), Length(rectText), rcPage, DT_BOTTOM or DT_CENTER or DT_WORDBREAK or DT_EXPANDTABS );


        // Now Restore the PDF DC and close the page

        RestoreDC( PageInfo.hPageDC, nSaveDC );


        // Close current page

        mzEndCurrentPage( hPdfDocument );




    // Now close the document

    mzCloseDocument ( hPdfDocument );



    // finally generate the PDF file.

    nRet := mzGeneratePDF( hPdfDocument, PChar(pdfFileName),nil,nil,nil);


    if (nRet <> MZ_ERR_SUCCESS ) then


        if(nRet <> MZ_ERR_USER_ABORT) then

        MessageBox(Handle,'Error Generate PDF file','Report Demo',MB_OK);



    // delete document handle to free memory

    mzDeleteDocument( hPdfDocument );


    // Now if you want, you can load the file

    ShellExecute( Handle, 'open', PChar(pdfFileName), nil, nil, SW_SHOW );


7. Before you run you need to go to project|options then to directories\conditionals tab and fill the following


Output directory = ..\..\..\bin\api\win32

where mzpdflib.dll and mzpdfKrn.dll are exist.


Search path = ..\..\..\include\delphi where MzDllUnit.pas is exist


8. Run the project and click on the button and then you will get the result.

Download MzPDF Toolkit:

  The MzPDF toolkit (Evaluation version) can be downloaded from the downloads page.

Order MzPDF Toolkit:

  To order MzPDF toolkit, go to the order page.

Note: MzPDF Toolkit is royalty free.

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  If you have any notes or questions please drop us a line and we will be glad to help.

PDF SDK to generate PDF files quickly and easily

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